My thinking in Time Management

My thinking in Time Management

Actually time could not be managed, you could only control yourself and decide where to spend you time. The most important thing in life is to know the power of persistence.

In each task, there are easy parts and hard parts. In this era, getting into some new field is not as hard as before, we could know anything by just clicking on Internet. Many easy-reading tutorial could help us to know a new tool or new programming language in a few hours. This is the easy part and many people just did them, thinking they have known these stuff already. However it is not enough to perform any deep work with this little knowledge. The hard part is what company wants, the part you actually need a lot of time on it. Hard part takes you a lot of time and you actually would not enjoy them. Some work are boring and hard to understand. Thus, it is the reason why many people only just get into one field and never dive into it.

Learning new things actually could take you a lot of time, especially you have no knowledge on this field before. The reason is you need to understand many new terms at the same time and build new connections in your brain. However, if you learn things with you have some experiences before, you actually could just add new concepts into you old concept tree and you did not need to build a new one. Moreover, it takes less time and helps you have more advanced knowledge in that field.

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