Losing NTFS data in Mac

Losing NTFS data in Mac

What happened

In one day evening, I played with my WD 2TB external drive. All my important data is in it and I did not have a whole backup for this drive because it is the backup for other drive. I installed an App called Mounty this time, because it is free and looks good. However, it is stuck in the computer after some movements for the file, which results in I unplugged it without waiting the response for the finder. The result is when I plugged it again in my Mac. It told me the drive is corrupted and it could not open. I was anxiety because this drive contains all my precious data.

What you should not do!

I was frustruated and I searched online, I found they said you need a Windows computer to fix it because NTFS is a windows file system. However, I did not have that at home. However, I had a raspiberry pi, which running linux system on it. I thought I could try to fix it in Linux.

In the linux, I ran the command ntfsfix on my drive. What this tool try to do is to rewrite the MBR record, which result in no operation system could get the correct partition information. This is very very bad!!! If I plugged it into Mac, it told me I need to format the drive and it could not read anything from it.

What you should do

You should find a Windows Computer ASAP and run chkdsk /F X: immediately.

How to recover data

I got a Windows computer and tried to run chkdsk, but there is no drive letter for my drive. Therefore, I could not use this command anymore. Open the disk management, I could only see the wrong partition information. So I could only use the software to reover the data. I downloaded the easyrecovery and I saw the data is still there so I still want to recover the partition. After trying several times, I rewritten the partition information and I saw I could add drive letter to it in the disk management tool. When I tried to do it, IT BEGAN TO FORMAT THE DRIVE!!! When I found it, I stopped it immediately. Now I found the MBR record is totally gone and I could only search 2TB with 40MB/s speed to try to recover the data.

Use DiskGenius is the final way to recover the data which takes me a lot of time to get them all.

Please have a backup in any data and do not use NTFS drive in Mac OS.

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