How to draw graph in code

Basic Drawing

We could use Graphviz to draw a graph in code and it is also easily to used in Markdown file. In this blog, I will focus on dot tool.

In the beginning, we need to install it. If you are a Mac user, we could use brew install graphvis. For other user, you could download file from the official website.

You could create a file with the following code.


And then you need to save it as demo.gv. Next, run the code

	dot -Tpng demo.gv > demo.png

You could get the following pic.

In this command, you could change -Tpng to -Tjpg or -Tpdf, -Tsvg.

To add them to markdown, we could use service from gravizo.

<img src='
 digraph G {

edge parameters

You could change edge parameters to get different appearance.

parameters comment
label add text on the line
style bold, dotted, filled;
dir forward, back, both, or none
color ref

Node parameters

You could define the node in the beginning and then refer it in the following part.

parameters comment
color ref
fillcolor ..
height .5 inch default
image image filename
shape ref
width .75 inch

Principal Graph Attributes

Here I just want to mention rank.

Using the following code we could get multiple node in the same level.

digraph G {
     A [label="Teacher"],
    A -> B,
    A -> C,
    C -> D,
    X -> Y,
    {rank = same; A; X;},
    {rank = same; B; D; Y;},

There is also one could change direction of graph. rankdir=LR;

Flow chart

Actually, we could still use dot to generate flow chart. But it will spend lots of time to change shape to express exact idea. One good tool is plantUML

We could use startuml to begin the chart. The basic chart could generate use following chart. More info could find here.



if (Graphviz installed?) then (yes)
  :process all\ndiagrams;
else (no)
  :process only
  __sequence__ and __activity__ diagrams;




  :read data;
  :generate diagrams;
repeat while (more data?)



We can save them in a demo.txt file. Then download plantUML jar file to generate png.

java -jar plantuml.jar demo.txt


You can also use this tool to get UML graph. There are lots of usage in the official website.

I just list some basic code here.

class Foo1 {
  You can use
  several lines
  as you want
  and group
  things together.
  You can have as many groups
  as you want
  End of class

class User {
  .. Simple Getter ..
  + getName()
  + getAddress()
  .. Some setter ..
  + setName()
  __ private data __
  int age
  -- encrypted --
  String password
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